Welcome Gateway Magnolia!

We’re so excited to welcome LifePoint Church to the Gateway family. Your generosity shows your heart for the local church, your community, missions, and so much more! We’re excited to combine our efforts and continue to lead people into an intimate relationship with God in Magnolia.

Below you will find information on giving at Gateway. If you prefer to give online, you can click the “Give Online” button button and sign up for an account with Pushpay. You can also give in-person at Gateway Magnolia or Gateway Katy.

Giving Statements

LifePoint members will receive giving statements from LifePoint Church and Gateway Church Houston for 2023 giving. All tithes and offerings given to LifePoint will be included on your LifePoint giving statement. All tithes and offerings given to Gateway will be include on you Gateway giving statement. Once you sign up for an account with Pushpay, you will be able to see your current in-person and online giving on the site.

What You’re Giving To:


Gateway College offers a fully accredited education combined with a hands-on practicum designed to prepare students for work in ministry and the marketplace. Prayerfully consider partnering with Gateway College to provide scholarships and full college experience right here at Gateway Church Houston.


Your faithful giving is what equips us to lead local and global outreach efforts that transform lives beyond our city. By partnering with outreach organizations, we are able to point people to God and show them tangible love in Houston, TX and beyond.

In line with Romans 1:16, 10% of our outreach efforts are directed toward Mesianic Jewish ministries.

Building Home

With your generosity, we are Building Home in the Houston area. In late 2020, we came across the old, worn-down ‘Toys-R-Us’ building in Katy and God began to make it clear that this would be our new home. We believe this is a place where this generation, and the next, can Know God, Belong to Family, Discover Purpose, and Build the Kingdom.

Ways to Give

To be a part of all God is doing through Gateway Church, you can give easily and securely online. Whether you'd like to give a single gift, schedule ongoing contributions, or view your giving history, you can do it all from your computer or phone.

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”

- 2 Corinthians 9:6-8



The reason we give is because God is a giver. His very heart and nature, as shown throughout Scripture, is generosity. Because we’re created in His image, we’re most like Him when we give and steward all that He has entrusted to us. 

Tithing is a biblical principle that means the tenth. The first tenth, which belongs to God, is Holy and set apart for Him. When we bring our tithe to God, it means that we trust and acknowledge that He’s the giver of every good thing in our lives. Tithing isn’t as much about finances as it is about faith. It’s not about what God wants from you but what He has for you. 

Tithing is about training our hearts to trust God at His Word. He gave us the greatest gift, His Son, and in response to this gift we also give.

In Malachi 3:10, The Bible says we can test this promise. When we bring our first and best back to God, He promises to bless the rest of our resources so that we could be a blessing toward others.



There's a joy and a blessing that comes when we give above our tithe and bring offerings back to God. 

As Pastor Ethan has shared, "We're never more like Jesus than when we serve and give." In scripture, we're told that God so loved the world that He gave. Our offerings go beyond the obedience of the tithe; they are a reflection of a life marked by generosity. We believe generosity has a divine purpose connected to it, which is why we invite our church family to give beyond the tithe in one of these ways throughout the year.

Learn more about Building Home here.